Ukraine offers the only way out to end the conflict with Russia

Ukraine offers the only way out to end the conflict with Russia 0

(Dan Tri) – Ukrainian officials declared that the only viable strategy to escape the current conflict is for Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory.

Advisor to the President of Ukraine, Mr. Mykhailo Podolyak (Photo: Reuters).

`When someone among global influencers (like Elon Musk) talks about the `lack of an exit strategy from the Russia-Ukraine conflict`, one is once again surprised by the lack of simple logic.

`The enemy must unconditionally withdraw from foreign sovereign territory and the hot phase of the war immediately ends,` Mr. Podolyak commented.

He added that Russia needs to withdraw from Ukraine, return what was taken and restore the supremacy of international law.

`I completely understand that sometimes there are simple truths that are extremely difficult to recognize. However, I will repeat that: the opponent took unprovoked military action against another country with the sole purpose of

Billionaire Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, said in March that Ukraine’s position is weakening with each passing day of fighting.

He also warned that the real question is how much territory and how many lives will Kiev lose before sitting at the negotiating table with Russia.

The American billionaire businessman said that anyone could predict that Ukraine’s counterattack last summer would ultimately fail.

He said that Ukraine suffered great losses when attacking Russian forces with large armies, deep defenses and much stronger artillery while Ukraine lacked armor and air superiority.

He has repeatedly emphasized that the best way out of the crisis in Ukraine is for Kiev and Moscow to negotiate.

Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in early 2022, Mr. Elon Musk has changed his opinion several times.

More than a year ago, he called on Ukraine to give up its intention to regain Crimea, the peninsula annexed to Russia in 2014. He also asked Ukraine to declare neutrality, allowing the four provinces of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia to have referendums.

However, Ukrainian officials have repeatedly affirmed that peace talks will only take place when Russia withdraws all its troops and restores the 1991 borders for Ukraine.

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