Elizabeth Warren and the `war` with Donald Trump

Elizabeth Warren and the `war` with Donald Trump 2

Recent poll results show that Hillary Clinton has a very slim lead over Donald Trump, while Trump has certain advantages in states where voters are wondering who to choose.

One person who has the ability to do that for her is Senator Elizabeth Warren.

The female senator from Massachusetts began to have a strong voice after the attack on Wall Street not long ago.

Senator Elizabeth Warren.

In recent weeks, Warren’s name has suddenly appeared quite frequently in the American press and media in many different cases.

On May 25, Ms. Warren continued to attack Mr. Trump with a fiery speech at the annual event of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD).

In addition, Warren also continuously talks with progressive groups and union leaders to discuss new solutions to attack the oligarchs on Wall Street.

However, currently, Ms. Warren has not yet clearly expressed her views and is very cautious when mentioning whether she supports Ms. Clinton or Mr. Sanders, while Mr. Trump is definitely against them.

The most serious problem today is not the possibility that Mrs. Clinton may lose to Mr. Trump next November.

After overcoming a series of strong Republican candidates, Trump began a campaign to attack the leading Democratic candidate – Mrs. Clinton.

This is explained because there are similarities between Mr. Trump and Sanders, first of all they both have the same non-traditional views, breaking established concepts and old ways to replace them.

Elizabeth Warren and the `war` with Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton is at risk of losing to Mr. Trump if the Democrats have no way to unite voters within the party.

Trump is not completely Republican like other Republican candidates, but in the policies he offers there are many similarities with the Democrats.

Many Democratic voters, after knowing for sure that Mr. Sanders could not win against Mrs. Clinton, turned to support Mr. Trump, announcing to the press that they would vote for Trump next November.

According to analysts, the only way for Mrs. Clinton to avoid a defeat against Mr. Trump is for her to find a way to unite voters in the Democratic Party, so that voters who support Mr. Sanders will switch to supporting her and voting for Mr.

With recent outstanding activities in the political arena, especially the attack on Wall Street that caused public opinion to support her, Ms. Warren has created a great reputation for herself and is receiving a fairly high approval rating.

Faced with a situation of deep division among voters, the Democratic Party leadership is considering appointing Ms. Warren to chair the Congress to rebuild the unity of voters supporting the party to avoid the Democratic Party’s voters from returning.

This is a wise move, but Democratic leader in the Senate Harry Reid warned Mrs. Clinton not to do that, because then Mrs. Warren’s Senate seat would be vacant, and certainly the Governor of Massachusetts.

According to An Chau (summary)

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