The US `unblocks` Ukraine as quickly as possible under Russian pressure

The US `unblocks` Ukraine as quickly as possible under Russian pressure 0

(Dan Tri) – According to experts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Ukrainian forces will be able to stop the Russian attack provided that US support arrives quickly.

Ukrainian soldiers (Illustration photo: BTTM Ukraine).

Ukrainska Pravda reported that US Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner said on April 21 that US military aid to Ukraine, including the long-range army tactical missile system (ATACMS),

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on April 21 that quickly transferring US military aid to Ukraine could allow Kiev forces to stabilize the front line and regain the initiative against the Russian army.

At the same time, ISW continues to assess that Kiev forces may suffer additional defeats in the coming weeks while waiting for US security support to help Ukraine stabilize the front, but they will likely

Moscow forces may exploit restrictions on weapons supplies to Ukraine to step up offensive activities as well as increase missile and drone raids in the coming weeks to take advantage of the situation.

The US `unblocks` Ukraine as quickly as possible under Russian pressure

War map of Ukraine on April 21.

Notable comments in ISW’s April 21 report:

First, Chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee Mark Warner said on April 21 that US military aid to Ukraine, including long-range ATACMS missiles, could be delivered to Ukraine `by the end of the week` if

Second, President Zelensky said on April 21 that quickly transferring US military aid to Kiev could allow the defense forces to stabilize the front line and take the initiative.

Third, the Ukrainian Army attacked and damaged the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s anti-submarine support ship Kommuna – the world’s oldest active naval vessel – in Sevastopol.

Fourth, exiled Moldovan oligarch Ilan Shor announced on April 21 the formation of `Victory` – a new pro-Russian electoral bloc – intending to nominate its candidates to participate in the general election

Fifth, the new electoral bloc will likely allow the Kremlin to focus on unifying political efforts in Moldova, rather than maintaining ties with many pro-Russian figures and parties as it has done recently.

Friday, the Russian and Chinese navies signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation on April 21 amid recent reports of increased Chinese support for Russia’s conflict in Ukraine.

Seventh, recently, Russian military advances were confirmed near Kremennaya and Avdivka, as well as in the administrative border areas of Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions.

Eighth, the Russian military has increased the use of small, light SUVs along the front lines.

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