Can Ukraine change tactics to help reverse the situation on the front line?

Can Ukraine change tactics to help reverse the situation on the front line? 0

(Dan Tri) – Experts say that the unsuccessful attempt to directly penetrate Russia’s defense line in the early stages made Ukraine decide to change tactics to be able to turn the situation around in the counterattack.

Ukrainian soldiers (Photo: Ukrainian Army).

According to Forbes, Ukraine’s counteroffensive on the Southern front began with an attack on June 8, when combat groups from the 33rd and 47th Mechanized Brigades of the Ukrainian army attacked Russian positions in the south.

They were immediately trapped in a dense minefield.

After the above loss, Ukrainian forces were forced to change tactics.

However, this effort was once again unsuccessful and Ukraine continued to suffer damage in Mala Tokmachka.

Across the front in the first week of the counteroffensive, Ukraine realized that direct attacks on Russia’s defense system caused too great losses.

This is the conclusion of a new study published by experts Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds from the RUSI Institute (UK).

Fierce battles and new tactics

Ukraine drew tactics from flanking attacks at the battle of Novodarivka, Zaporizhia on June 3.

Early in the morning of June 4, Ukrainian engineers deployed UR-77 mine-clearing armored vehicles, clearing the way for the convoy behind to penetrate the minefield north of Novodarivka.

However, Ukraine faced fierce resistance from Russia, causing many vehicles in the convoy to be attacked and this direct breakthrough failed.

Ukrainian infantrymen tried to escape the MaxxPro armor, some retreating north, some south toward Novodarivka.

According to two military experts, this is the moment when Ukraine realized that a direct attack on Russia was not a good idea.

Ukraine decided to attack a third time, but in a different way.

Another platoon stationed to the west decided to attack the Russian forces stationed in the village from the flank, taking advantage of the dense tree canopy terrain that could prevent Moscow from tracking with UAVs.

From this `blind spot`, the Ukrainian platoon stationed in the west attacked Novodarivka, surprising Russia.

After some fierce fighting, the Russian army retreated east to avoid isolation.

This was an unsustainable success when the damage was too great for Ukraine to regain a small village.

Ukraine has applied similar tactics in other attacks on the southern front.

That’s also how the 82nd Air Assault Brigade and 46th Air Mobility Brigade advanced from Robotyne to nearby Verbove.

According to Forbes, this will be how the Ukrainian armed forces continue to counterattack, although they must accept inching forward on the front line and will not create a major breakthrough with this tactic.

However, it will help Ukraine preserve its weapons and soldiers’ lives instead of entering directly into Russia’s `fire wall` line.

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