The reason why Russia and Ukraine are fiercely fighting over every inch of land at Bakhmut fortress

The reason why Russia and Ukraine are fiercely fighting over every inch of land at Bakhmut fortress 0

(Dan Tri) – Both Russia and Ukraine have reasons behind their determination to control the stronghold of Bakhmut in Donbass, leading to fierce battles, struggling for every meter of land in this fiery pan.

Members of the Wagner group in an area near Bakhmut, Donetsk (Photo: Reuters).

The Wall Street Journal commented that the goal of the Russian private military company Wagner in Bakhmut seems to be not only to gain control of the strategic city in Donbass but also to exhaust Ukrainian forces.

The American newspaper said that the above plan seems to have shown effectiveness to a certain extent, because after 8 months of tense fighting, Ukraine has lost a part of the force that it could use in the counter-campaign.

Wall Street Journal assessed that Wagner is emerging as a threat to Ukraine, in the context that Russian forces have faced many challenges on the front lines recently.

With such an approach, Wagner moved deeper from all directions to close the pincers around Bakhmut.

`To some extent, Wagner’s goal was effective. Ukraine poured a large number of its most elite troops to protect Bakhmut and suffered damage,` the Wall Street Journal commented, warning that this

`The winning side is not the side that gains territory, but the side that eliminates the opponent’s forces. I think we are using too many resources needed to create momentum for a breakthrough counterattack in the future in the future.`

The reason why Russia and Ukraine are fiercely fighting over every inch of land at Bakhmut fortress

Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut (Photo: Getty).

However, Ukraine still shows its determination to keep Bakhmut to the end.

`I told the chief of staff to find suitable forces to reinforce the soldiers in Bakhmut. No part of Ukraine’s territory can be left behind,` Mr. Zelensky said, citing reports about Kiev

Meanwhile, Mr. Zelensky’s advisor, Mr. Mykhailo Podolyak, stated that Ukraine had two main goals when protecting Bakhmut: to buy time to replenish forces and to cause heavy damage to the Russian army.

`The Ukrainian army implemented a plan to deplete the main combat force of the opponent and allow Kiev time to train tens of thousands of soldiers to prepare for a future counterattack,` he explained, emphasizing

The fierce battle in Bakhmut recently caused both sides to face heavy losses on the battlefield.

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