Russia spoke up about military cooperation information with North Korea

Russia spoke up about military cooperation information with North Korea 0

(Dan Tri) – Russia declares that its relationship with North Korea is not aimed against a third country nor does it threaten regional security.

A North Korean cargo ship (Photo: NBC News)

`Accusations against Moscow and Pyongyang about military cooperation are baseless and unfounded,` the Russian Foreign Ministry announced on May 2.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Moscow is building relations with North Korea on the basis of common interests.

`This cooperation is not aimed against third countries and does not threaten security in the region and the world in general. At the same time, our country, as a permanent member of the Council

Reuters on April 25, citing satellite images published by the British RUSI institute, said that a Russian cargo ship embargoed for allegedly transporting weapons from North Korea was discovered anchored in China.

US National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby said on May 2 that Russia transferred more than 165,000 barrels of refined oil to North Korea in March alone.

`Given its proximity to Russian and North Korean commercial ports, Russia can maintain these shipments indefinitely,` Mr. Kirby added.

Under UN sanctions, North Korea is banned from importing more than 500,000 barrels of refined oil each year.

Mr. Kirby emphasized that Washington will continue its efforts to prevent arms and oil trade between North Korea and Russia.

`The US will continue to impose sanctions on all activities that facilitate the transportation of weapons and refined oil between Russia and North Korea,` the US official added.

Commenting on this issue, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Washington is working with partners, including South Korea, Britain, Australia, the European Union, New Zealand and Japan, to announce

In September last year, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held talks with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in Vladivostok during a visit to Russia’s Far East.

The West accuses North Korea of providing weapons to Russia for use in the military campaign inĀ Ukraine.

North Korea is under United Nations sanctions, including an arms embargo, for developing nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

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