Russia says there is evidence of the culprit in the gas pipeline leak

Russia says there is evidence of the culprit in the gas pipeline leak 0

(Dan Tri) – Russian intelligence says they have evidence to support accusations that the West appears to be involved in the leak of two Nord Stream gas pipelines.

The surface of the Baltic Sea is foaming due to a gas leak (Photo: Danish Army).

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) said that the leaks related to the two Nord Stream pipelines on September 26 were an international attack.

SVR leader Sergey Naryshkin announced that Russia had evidence `showing traces of the West in organizing and carrying out the explosions`.

On September 28, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the scale of the two destroyed pipelines showed that this was an incident involving several countries.

Mr. Peskov denied previous conspiracy theories that Russia was the one who self-detonated the pipeline, saying these were absurd statements.

According to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko, Moscow is ready to consider requests from EU countries for a joint investigation into incidents on two gas pipelines.

Since the beginning of the week, two Nord Stream pipelines from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea have recorded pressure drops due to four leaks.

The Swedish National Seismological Center (SNSN) at Uppsala University said they recorded two explosions at pipelines on September 26, with one explosion equivalent to 100 kg of explosives being detonated.

Officials in Denmark, Poland, Sweden and several other countries said the leak appeared to be a deliberate act of sabotage.

On the other hand, Mr. Pavel Zavalny, head of the Russian House of Representatives Energy Committee, said that repairing leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 combustion pipelines could take more than 6 months.

Russia says there is evidence of the culprit in the gas pipeline leak

Three leaks were previously recorded on two gas pipelines (Graphic: Reuters).

Meanwhile, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said on September 29 that it was too early to conclude who was behind the leak of two gas pipelines.

`In terms of the attack, at this point, I think there’s a lot of speculation. But honestly, until a complete investigation is done, no one can really determine for certain what happened.`

Sky News cited an anonymous source from the British Ministry of Defense as saying that London considered the leak on two gas pipelines to be a pre-planned attack using explosive devices detonated from

Former US President Donald Trump warned that `sabotage` targeting the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany could escalate tensions or even lead to war.

Previously, Western intelligence said that last week, Russian submarines appeared near the site of the leak, but it could not be determined whether Moscow was involved or not.

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