Russia cited evidence that the Moscow terrorist suspect had connections with Ukraine

Russia cited evidence that the Moscow terrorist suspect had connections with Ukraine 0

(Dan Tri) – The Russian Investigative Committee said that large sums of money from Ukraine were transferred to suspects in the Moscow terrorist attack.

One of the terrorist suspects appeared in court in Moscow (Photo: Reuters).

On March 28, the Russian Investigative Committee announced the initial results of the investigation into the suspects in the terrorist attack at the Crocus City theater, a suburb of Moscow last weekend.

The report states that investigators have collected `important evidence` showing that the suspects received money from Ukraine in the form of virtual currency.

The Investigative Committee said law enforcement officers also identified and detained another suspect believed to be involved in financing terrorism, but did not identify him.

Previously, head of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Aleksandr Bortnikov told reporters that the US, UK and Ukraine could support Moscow terrorist suspects.

On the evening of March 22, a group of armed people broke into the hall of the Crocus City theater on the outskirts of Moscow.

Russian security forces arrested 11 suspects, of which four suspects were believed to have directly participated in the attack and were all Tajik nationalities.

Although the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the attack, Russia continued to accuse Ukraine and its Western allies of involvement.

In early March, the US and a series of European countries advised their citizens to avoid going to crowded gatherings such as music events due to concerns about the risk of an `imminent` terrorist attack.

US officials confirmed they also issued warnings to Russian security agencies.

`The US followed normal procedures and went through channels used many times before to send a written warning to Russian security agencies. In fact, the US tried to help Russia prevent the attack.

The comments were made after the New York Times newspaper quoted sources saying that the US did not share with Russian colleagues all data about the planned terrorist attack at Crocus City due to concerns that Moscow could

According to FSB head Alexandr Bortnikov, information about the possibility of preparing a terrorist attack in Russia transmitted by the US in early March was only of a general nature and Russian special agencies responded.

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