Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh and her journey of more than 20 years as a `screen villain`

Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh and her journey of more than 20 years as a `screen villain` 5

(Dan Tri) – Over 20 years in the profession, Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh made her mark with `evil female` roles that impressed the audience.

Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh’s full name is Dao Kim Oanh. She started out as a theater artist and studied at the acting course at the University of Theater and Cinema (1995).

When she graduated, Kim Oanh worked at the Youth Theater.

For more than 20 years with the acting career, Kim Oanh covered television series, leaving many outstanding marks and making the deepest impression on the audience with her sharp and sour roles that made her the title `boss`.

Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh once shared with Dan Tri reporter that she `challenged` any director to invite her to play a gentle, compassionate and hard-working role.

`My eyes are a bit small and long. My mouth is a bit thin and curved. With an appearance like that, it is very difficult to play gentle, feminine roles. Unless there is an extremely reckless and talented director…

Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh in the movie `The Last Wife` (Photo: Provided by the film crew).

Currently, Kim Oanh is receiving attention from the audience when playing the role of the eldest lady (mandarin’s wife) in the movie The Last Wife directed by Victor Vu.

Sharing about this role, the actress said that this is the `most hateful` character in her more than 20 years of working, but also the most tragic character.

In particular, this role has great `power` in the family, unlike many women in feudal times.

Kim Oanh in the trailer for the movie `The Last Wife` (Video: Provided by the film crew).

Before that, when mentioning Kim Oanh, people immediately remembered the treacherous characters in popular television dramas, such as the formidable and cruel Miss May in Waves at the River Bottom, Lo of the Ghost Village, Tuyet `Addicted`.

At the age of 18, while a second-year student, Kim Oanh was trusted by director Le Duc Tien to play the role of Cloud in the movie Waves at the Bottom of the River.

With a cocky facial expression and sour voice, Kim Oanh very successfully portrayed the role of a gangster girl.

Sharing about this role, Kim Oanh said that normally, when people want to understand their character, they will ask the author about that character, but she has a completely different approach to the role of May.

The actress did not ask about the Clouds but asked a lot about the Mountain.

`He asked me: `Why do you play the role of Cloud and not ask about Cloud, but ask about the character Mountain?` I answered: `You have to understand Mountain to be able to be a good Cloud because Cloud is a unique character.

Hearing me say that, he seemed very interested, saying I was the only person who had such an intelligent and profound way of approaching the character,` Kim Oanh said.

Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh and her journey of more than 20 years as a `screen villain`

Clouds in Kim Oanh’s `Waves at the Bottom of the River` is a role that leaves unforgettable impressions in the hearts of the audience (Photo: Documents).

Kim Oanh admitted that the role of Cloud in Waves at the Bottom of the River became a stepping stone to help her have her current career.

`The role of Cloud is the first step in my career, it is a stepping stone that not every artist is lucky to have. I was only 18 years old that year but had an excellent role, a solid stepping stone.`

In 2002, the actress took on the role of Minh Tuyet in the movie Candles in the Night.

This can be considered the role of a lifetime and one of Kim Oanh’s most villainous female characters on the small screen.

Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh and her journey of more than 20 years as a `screen villain`

Kim Oanh as Tuyet in the movie `Candles in the Night` (Photo: Screenshot).

In 2007, the movie Ghost Village aired, the character Lo played by Kim Oanh continued to `storm` the small screen.

Kim Oanh said, when director Nguyen Huu Phan was wondering about choosing an actor for the role of Lo, she came to the place and asked him to audition for this role.

With the character Lo, Kim Oanh successfully portrayed the role of the `evil woman` with her glares and harsh voice…

In 2013, Kim Oanh continued to portray the character Lo in part 2: Ghost Village – 10 years later.

Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh and her journey of more than 20 years as a `screen villain`

Kim Oanh attracts attention with the role of Lo – a rural woman who experiences life, is sharp and curses like a good singer in `Ghost Village` (Photo: Document).

In 2020, the character Linh played by Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh in Don’t Make Me Forget continued to make viewers `blood boil` because she was `ugly from the outside in`.

Kim Oanh once shared: `When I finished reading the script of the movie Don’t Make Me Forget, I hated the character Linh. So why did I force the audience to love me? I personally found the character Linh too much.

For Kim Oanh, this is a more `evil` role than Snow in Candles in the Night or Clouds in Waves at the Bottom of the River that she played.

`Linh is a malicious person. She hates you, you know, but she’s always happy and smiling, even when she’s very angry. She uses her smile to please others, to stab others in the back.

Many people think acting like that is ungainly but that’s okay, each person has different levels of emotions when watching.

Meritorious Artist Kim Oanh and her journey of more than 20 years as a `screen villain`

Kim Oanh’s role as Linh in the movie `Don’t make me forget` made the audience hate her (Photo: VTV).

Clouds in Waves at the Bottom of the River, Snow in Candles in the Night or Lo in Ghost Village were so successful that, wherever she went, people talked about her, with sharp and terrible edges.

`One day, when I went out on the street, people pointed straight at me and said: `Snow, Snow` or `Hey, that Cloud` and then cursed. I wasn’t angry, on the contrary, I was happy because of me.

Talking about being hated in movies, Kim Oanh admitted that there hasn’t been a movie where she hasn’t been `stoned`.

Often taking on villain roles, Kim Oanh is not worried about being bored because with each character, she has a different acting style.

`Look at the tough characters I’ve played. When placed side by side, you’ll see that the roles are never repeated. This is like a lock that always has its own key. When I accept a role, I always look for it.

I look for different ways of acting and observe to transform that villain in the same role.

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