India joins stock superpower

India joins stock superpower 0

(Dan Tri) – With a market value of more than 4,000 billion USD, Indian stock markets are currently one of the largest markets in the world.

Indian National Stock Exchange NSE in Mumbai (Photo: Getty).

Indian fund manager Abhay Agarwal was surprised when the number of calls he received this month from international investors skyrocketed.

`They are family companies in Europe or some big investors in the US who have never bothered to invest in India. For the first time I saw them being very serious, calling and asking questions.

Investors are increasingly interested in the Indian stock market after this market continuously set records.

India has two major stock exchanges, NSE and BSE.

In his nearly 30-year investment career, Mr. Agarwal has witnessed international investors interested in the Indian stock market, but mainly short-term investors.

`For the first time, I’m seeing interest from long-term investors, both strategic and financial, who are taking a 10-year view instead of just a one-year view,` he said.

Since the beginning of this year, the Sensex index, which tracks stocks of 30 major companies on the Indian stock exchange, has increased more than 16%, while the Nifty 50 index has increased 17%.

The Indian stock exchange also recorded an explosive number of initial public offerings (IPOs) with 150 cases in the first 9 months of the year.

The growth of the stock market reflects the strength and potential of the Indian economy.

Analysts say that India is less sensitive to global economic risks.

However, not everyone is optimistic about India’s growth prospects.

Analysts also say that the current growth momentum of the stock market is not necessarily a reliable measure of the Indian economy.

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